Hello, friends! Maude, here. Emmi apologizes for being absent from this blog for a few years. She also apologizes for not writing today, too! You see, she is packed away and is currently in storage (we like to call it 'on vacation'). When Sam moved last year, she, unfortunately, didn't have enough room in her new house to keep all her dolls. Her only options were to either keep all of us in storage or to sell us. Thankfully, Sam went with option A. The house she is currently residing in is a rental; Sam's family is planning on buying a larger house. Finding the perfect house is tedious work, so until the next move, Emmi will be staying in storag...er, on vacation. So until then, I will be taking over Em's blog! Like I said before, my name is Maude. I turned 13 years old on June 19th. I love baking, dying hair (I have a pink ombré right now!), running, and anything that has to do with makeup. I could spend hours in Sephora. My favorite makeup brand is MAC; I love all the bright lipstick and eye-shadow colors that they have to offer. As of right now, I am the only child. All 29 of my other sisters are 'on vacation'. If you're wondering why I'm not with them, it's because Sam adopted me into the family this summer and decided to keep me in her room. I guess you could say that I'm the favorite, hehe! It does get quite lonesome from time to time being the only one here. So, to pass the time, I read an abundance of books. My favorite read so far has to have been The Book Thief. It's an incredible story, and if you ever have the time to read it, I'd be more than happy to lend you my copy! Another thing that stinks about being the only child is that I don't have anyone to share clothes with. All Sam's doll clothes are 'on vacation' too! I have been wearing the same shirt and pants since I got here two months ago! Can you believe it? I think some online shopping is seriously needed. My favorite stores are Urban Dollfitters, Anthrodollogie, and American Girl Apparel. What are yours? :)
Yours Truly, Maude
Friday, August 15, 2014
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Early Birthday Present!
Hola! Como estas? Me llamo Emmi. Hehe. :) It is my birthday soon (November 12), but I have already gotten a present! Today Luci (my cousin) was garage sale-ing and saw a magnifying glass for $15. It was blue!! That is my favorite color. Luci was going to wait till my actual birthday, but could not ponder for that long. I was ecstatic when she handed me a box that said Willards Looking Glass & Co. I knew what that was... how could I not have! They are the leading seller of professional magnifying glasses - used by real detectives! The normal prices of these goods are about $75! The people at the garage sale told Luci they would sell it for $15 because of constant wear and use. I screamed and hugged Luci, but not for long! Before you knew it, I had ran outside to magnify anything I could find. Then I decided it was time to get serious...
I wasn't Emmi right now... I was "Emilee Magdeline Clara Dean - National Detective/Spy". However, I was traveling under the false name of "Silence J. McCint". (hehe) I snuck around the entire perimeter of England's greatest theft, Dr. Roger Russo's secret layer. With only a pair of rubber gloves, a magnifying glass, a bag, and a writing pad & pencil I had to find a way to break in. Alas, I had seen my chance. A false wall I had accidently leaned on crumbled. I was in. It was official. My life now depended on finding Lady Luci's diamond ring. I did some snooping... then, I saw something shimmering. It was the ring!! I grabbed it an ran. I heard a mischievous voice "Well, If it isn't Ms. Silence." I was caught...
"Emmi!" Luci called from the house. Time for dinner! I ran inside. What an adventure I had today! I told my family about it at dinner.
-Emilee M.C. Dean
Saturday, September 18, 2010
AAAAAACHOOOO!!! *sniff* Hey, everyone. Emmi, here! I discovered two things today... one, I have the flu *:(* and two, I HAVE 5O FOLLOWERS!!! Thank
you soooo much! I wish I had 5O comments on each post... Okay. So for 50 followers, this post is going to *sniff* be a post where you can comment and say what I should improve on my blog. It can be anything from my blog banners, to the amount of posts I do, rate it on a scale of 1-10, etc. Say what ever you'd like to say; I wont be offended by any suggestion :). This will help me improve so ya'll *sniff* can enjoy my blog more! So I decided while you are scrolling down to get to the comments, I would put some pictures up. They are of me and my friend, Ashlynn. She is a crazy, spunky girl who is in my science, social studies, and PE class. She h
as a (temporary) purple streak in her hair. How cool is *sniff* that? :) Enjoy the pics and I can't wait to here your opinions! -E.M.C.D <

Saturday, September 11, 2010
New Wig...?
Emmi edit: Luci... you wear that perfume!
In the picture is us modeling one of the many outfits we bought.
Now school has been in for about three weeks, and fall is here! It's not 'jacket season' yet, but the whether has been nice around Georgia. You know, I don't like jackets that much.
.. I hate sweaters, and...
Hey ya'll, Emmi here. Sorry for Luci's ramblings... I was doing some studying and didn't realize she was hacking my blog! Silly cousins! Anyway, I have been wanting a new wig for while. Why, might you ask? Well, my person used a steamer to straighten my hair a while back. At first, it looked amazing! But as time went by, and she misted my hair more and more, the straightness came out. Its wavy in the back, and frizzy in the front. :( So I did some snooping on Etsy.com, and found some really cute wigs! So far, this is my favorite:

I personally think it fits a detective's personality! It's so Nancy Drew like.
Luci edit: It looks like this poor girl just rolled out of bed! It also slightly looks a bit like Taylor Swift, who's hair I envy greatly! I will ask my person if I can be rewiged; ill ask at dinner, which is being served now.
Emmi edit: My Person's mom said no. "original is better, its not worth the risk!" Oh well... I guess i'll have another frizzy picture day :(
-Emmi Dean
Monday, July 12, 2010
Glamour Shots With Blake
So today was July 12, and I had completely forgot about the whole Glamour Shot thing. My mom called my downstairs and told me to wear a nice shirt and a skirt, brush my hair, and look presentable. Nothing suspicious there! Typical mom. *sigh* An
yway, I decided to wear my cupcake shirt that Blake got my from NY and to put my sidebangs
in a clip. I walked downstairs and my mom told me to get in the car. We drove for what felt like HOURS!! Finally, we pulled into a little office building with the sign saying "Looking Like a Million". When we found a parking spot I saw Blake's car. Suddenly, it hit me... GLAMOUR SHOTS WITH BLAKE!!! I started spazing out. I ran inside and Blake was waiting for me. "It was supposed to be a surprise..." said Blake. I grinned at her. A photographer lady called us back into a room and dazzled us up with glitter and lipstick; it was so cool! To bad it didn't show up in the pictures ;( (Oh, and the lady took my sidebangs down! haha)
I had a blast and so did Blake! Here's how the photos turned out. I hope you like them as much as I do!

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lost Dog, Found!
As we were walking, the dog I found about two months ago came running behind us. "MIKKI!!!!!!!" Screamed Marisol. "Mikki?" (Pronounced "Me-key") Marisol ran up to the dog called 'Mikki' and gave her a great big hug. haha! If you guessed the dog was Marisol's,
you were correct! :) Perro means dog in Spanish. If you are wondering how the dog is her's, Marisol moved here about 2 months ago. This is how she lost the dog... (She told me in Spanish, maybe you can translate it? Good luck, detectives!)
"¡Oh, mi estimado Mikki está de vuelta! Estoy tan s
alieron! Gracias por mantener su seguro, pensé que estaba perdido par
a siempre! :( Todo comenzó cuando nos mu
damos aquí, me abrió la puerta a nuestro coche y fuera saltó Sandra. Mi
kki era tan asustados que se echó a correr en el bosque. Yo estaba llorando como
yo corrí después de su chirriar "Mikki! Come back!" Como YO temía, ella se había ido...!"
Everyone is seemingly happy! Marisol found Mikki, I got my shoes, and... oh, I forgot to tell you... BLAKE IS GOING TO NEW YORK! :D
(The Crazy Doll Lady - Remember I never asked my mom and had to forfeit the contest? Sorry, I can not receive the shoes. Thanks anyway!)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Exchange Student From Mexico
Anyway, I think that Marisol is beautiful! I love her curls and her dazzling brown eyes. I wish I could help sooner, she is so confused! She has asked a few people for help, but they cant understand her poorly spoken English under her thick Latino accent. Ms. Hermando says that it is a hard task to teach english to spanish! I think it will be no big deal.
I also saw Marisol in the hallway today and got a picture of her with my phone. She keeps wandering saying "Perro! Perro!" Now if I only knew what that meant! Time for some detective skills!
Emily Magdeline Clara Dean :)
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