Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Fling!

Hello, bloggers! It's me, Emmi Dean! I have a few things I need to say...

• Vote for my website here. It's a really cool thing! Also, I have a poser on there. If you see "Emmi Dean" on some of

the comments, it IS NOT ME! I respectfully rated everyone's sight 10 :P

• Where we live, the weather is becoming nice outside,
so Sam can take more pictures outside!

• I DID A PHOTO SHOOT TODAY! :D It was only because the cherry tree had just bloomed. It is SO PRETTY! Enjoy the pictures!

©SuperSamJam Photography 2010. All rights reserved.


  1. Awww, absolutely beautiful picture Emmi Dean! You are very cute. :) I'm afraid there's not much flowers here right now. You could enter one of those pictures in this contest!

  2. Hey .. those would be perfect for our contest .. LOL!! Good thinking Mia .. those are so beautiful .. we have no flowers yet .. our rose bushes still look dead .. Mama says the green will come ..

    Ta Ta,

  3. Ok, you have to tell me which one you want to use .. I started to pick .. but there are three that I just love .. I am glad that someone else is doing the judging on this .. it would be to hard for me .. LOL!!

    Ta Ta,

  4. Just let me know which one you want to enter if your mom says yes .. we would love to have you enter ..

    Ta Ta,

  5. Oh WOW!! I absolutely LOVE the HEADER!!!!!!!!

  6. Gorgeous pictures, Emmi! The cherry blossoms are so pretty; I wish we had some here! :)

    Happy Spring!


  7. The cherry blossoms are gorgeous! They look amazing in your hair! Its getting warm here, so Erin can take some more pictures as well. She can probably go outside and run around in shorts and flip flops! Its nice and warm!

  8. hey i used to collect american girls i have a bazillion and i used to take pics of them posing,too. but yours are really really good ur a really talented photographer!!


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