Saturday, September 18, 2010


AAAAAACHOOOO!!! *sniff* Hey, everyone. Emmi, here! I discovered two things today... one, I have the flu *:(* and two, I HAVE 5O FOLLOWERS!!! Thank
you soooo much! I wish I had 5O comments on each post... Okay. So for 50 followers, this post is going to *sniff* be a post where you can comment and say what I should improve on my blog. It can be anything from my blog banners, to the amount of posts I do, rate it on a scale of 1-10, etc. Say what ever you'd like to say; I wont be offended by any suggestion :). This will help me improve so ya'll *sniff* can enjoy my blog more! So I decided while you are scrolling down to get to the comments, I would put some pictures up. They are of me and my friend, Ashlynn. She is a crazy, spunky girl who is in my science, social studies, and PE class. She h
as a (temporary) purple streak in her hair. How cool is *sniff* that? :) Enjoy the pics and I can't wait to here your opinions! -E.M.C.D <


  1. Hmmm, I don't know if I have anything to say Emmi! Your blog is already amazing! I mean, a couple more posts here and there would be nice but as far as everything else, it's perfect! :D

  2. I really love your blog, the posts are great and so is the look, you should just post more often!

  3. Aww, in the first photo it really does look like you are sick with the red nose and.. *cough cough* I mean feel better soon, Emmi! Also, your new friend seems awesome! The only thing I would say to improve your blog would be to post more often! Everything else is already amazing! :D

  4. That last picture is AMAZING! It's so realistic!!
    Congrats Emmi! :D

  5. I think you should post more often, to be honest :) Other then that, everything is great! :)

  6. I love these photos! Especially that last one! I like posts with lots of pictures.


I, Emmi Dean, love getting lovely comments from my followers! But there are somethings that I would like you to know before you comment...

1.) Please NO swear words or inappropriate language.
2.) Please don't advertise your blog.
3.) Please comment on what is related to this post
~If you follow the 3 rules, you are welcome to comment~